Resource Warehouse
Children for Christ Resource Warehouse,3 / 8 Coombes Drive PENRITH NSW 2750
Ph. (02) 4722-5433

Craft Kits for Clubs
We provide inexpensive craft materials for Kids Clubs already operating, and have enough on the shelves for 50,000 children at any one time. (Kits from $1.35 per child with enough for four children per pack.)
Stories and Visual Aids
- Flannelgraph stories (including the whole of the Bible)
- Flash card stories
- Object lessons
- Mailbox club
- Pulpit program
- Children's tracts
- 60 different praise choruses
- Kids Club resource manual
- Games books
- Registration rolls
- Points
- Name tags
- Easels
- Flannel boards
All of these are available at our Children for Christ Warehouse in Penrith.
Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm, and on Tuesday, 10.30 - 6.00pm; closed 12noon - 12.30pm each day.
You can request a catalogue by mail, by ringing/faxing (02) 4722 5433
You can also download a catalogue and order form in the 'Craft Catalogue' tab above.
You can also download a catalogue and order form in the 'Craft Catalogue' tab above.
Below are some examples of the craft that can be made.